Monday, March 2, 2009

Scanning the Blog

Dear aesthetically minded viewers:

I want to welcome you to this blogsite and encourage you to spool down through the many Postings and Comments. Hopefully, you will discover that the many topics on this blog are interesting and timely. I encourage you to add comments to any of the numerous Postings; especially those that were made a year or more ago. Simply title your comments with the title-- 'New Comments' and the current date will automatically be attached to it.

My students from past classes in Aesthetics are encouraged to stay in touch with us so they may respond to your response. I too of course constantly visit the site and manage it as best I can but the interesting thing about the site is that it has its own strange life in spite of my managing of it.

Read, spool, comment---keep the site alive with your fresh, creative input.

Bill Havlicek PhD

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Many thanks from David Glen

Many thanks for allowing me to talk to you all tonight...I thoroughly enjoyed the evening, and hope I was able to impart something of value.

Please feel free to e-mail me at any time. My local address is

Wishing you all great passion in everything you do!

David Glen

Tuesday, February 10, 2009



Dear students,

Please look at the video segments on the human face that appear
on the last posting. The aesthetic students from the Autumn semester
really enjoyed these segments and left some fascinating comments. I now invite you to read the student comments and to view the film segments. This is an opportunity for us to reflect on the complex ways in which we signal one another through the signs we call facial expressions. Following your reading and viewing please comment on what you think is aesthetically important about all of this.

The point of this exercise is for us to become more aware
of the most common forms of communication; this awareness is the start of
aesthetic awareness. In fact, becoming more aware of how we communicate
though the arts stems from our system of bodily signaling---
and the face is without doubt the most profound of these signaling systems.

Lets begin by thinking about the aesthetic realm of the face and proceed from there. I look forward to the your comments-- please record your thoughts for us to consider.


Bill Havlicek