Thursday, February 28, 2008

Keith's All American Presentation

Keith Maclelland shared his passion and process of making illustative works devoted to the theme of the cult of the American Cowboy. What is fascinating about Keith and his approach to his theme is the rich range of materials, photographs and digital images he employs in his quest to understand what in fact a Cowboy is.

From the Rhinestone Cowboy, to outlaws and gunners on the run, our views of cowboys are as many and as complicated as life in America is complex and contradictory. I welcome comments and discussion on Keith's carefully crafted presentation as it applies to the use of the art object as a means of exploring complex ideas and the images that have been created to express these ideas.

Above all, as we move into Module 2 with it's focus on what the artist is and can do in society, lets reflect on how Keith and Dave Glen function as artists. How would you compare and contrast these two different artists and their range of interests? Can you see some common ethical concerns the two share? What differences do you see between Dave Glen's documentary approach to photography and the more exploratory collage approach of Keith Maclelland? How would you describe the aesthetic characteristics of these two artists?



Mandy McQuade said...

Keith- Thank you for taking the time to come speak to our class. It was a very thought provoking presentation and it was nice to get some insight on the art field.

I thought the presentation in class today was great. It really got me thinking about my own work and about my life in general; Why do I like the things I like? Why do I create the work I create? This will definitely be a big help when writing my senior capstone paper.


Anonymous said...

Keith, my favorite thing about your process was that you use type as a brush stroke. This idea was something that I had seen before, but never really made the connection to type as a stroke. I think thats very cool and something I will try in my own artwork!