Saturday, October 27, 2012

Dear aesthetics students and fans,

Starting this semester we will focus on the five-senses as a foundational delivery system for aesthetic experiences. Building on the five senses (or six if we count reflective thought as a sense) we have extended the outreach of our sense faculties into over a dozen Cultural and Metaesthetic categories which we call the HFAP (Havlicek Ferguson Aesthetic Profile).  Please take the time to study the profile and then page on into our on-going discussion from past years and in particular look at the 10 stage, 2000 year historical overview of Aesthetic thought beginning with Plato and Aristotle and continuing hopefully with the advent of the HFAP and what Dr. Joe Ferguson and I consider a psychologically valid culturally-based look at the eye and mind and what counts as valuable artistic and creative ways of experiencing and expressing impressions about art.     Dr. William Havlicek

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